Peer Support Network (PSN)


What is the Peer Support Network?

The Peer Support Network (PSN) is a student-run initiative formed in 2016 that is supported by the University of Queensland, School of Veterinary Science (SVS) and funded by the Douglas Slatter and Elizabeth Chambers Endowment Fund.

PSN aims to foster a supportive and healthy community, advocating for the welfare and mental wellbeing of all students enrolled within the SVS. It endeavours to break the stigma surrounding mental health, helping students through difficult times and preparing them with tools and strategies for the future.

The initiative is led by a committee consisting of 5 students, including a Vet Tech Rep. We recruit around 14 new mentors every year from both the Veterinary Science and Veterinary Technology programs. These students then undergo 30 hours of training based on the Oxford University’s Peer Support Training Manual, designed to equip them with various skills such as effective communication and active listening. The new mentors also complete a separate Mental Health First Aid course and undergo further training in specialised areas such as sexual misconduct and study strategies. The mentors, and PSN as a whole, receive support from a network of mental health professionals and SVS staff.

The Team

President - Kirralee Ness

Vice President - Emma Gordon

Secretary - Pranav Narayanan

Treasurer - Carly Khaw

Vet Tech Rep - Breanna Fox


Online Mentoring

If you are going through a tough time, or even just want someone to chat to, our mentors are available. Please always feel free to reach out, and we will get you in touch with someone from our team! :)

Connect with us (Facebook)

We often open the Hub up after hours, as well as run a variety of workshops, mental health talks, and other events throughout the year, all with the aim of building up the vet school community!

Join us on Facebook for up-to-date information on all our events!

PSN Anonymous (Facebook)

PSN Anonymous was created by the UQ Peer Support Network for vet and vet tech students to be able to vent frustrations, ask questions, share concerns, or seek advice on any aspect of their lives.


Everybody is welcome to share their input and join the conversation.

Contact Us!